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Julia Klug is a professor for Educational Psychology at Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg in Austria. She co-founded the Self-Regulated Learning Collective and @thehearttoflearning in 2021. 

Julia received her Master’s and PhD in Educational Psychology at TU Darmstadt, Germany, at Bernhard Schmitz’ lab, where she fell in love with the idea of researching and promoting self-regulated learning. She continued and intensified her work at the University of Vienna, before moving to Salzburg and her current position. 


She does research in teacher education, secondary and higher education. Her research interests are student and teacher competences, especially concerning self-regulated learning and assessment. One of her current projects – IQM-PHS – is about the development of student competences, motivation and self-regulation strategies in teacher education in the course of their study program. 

She’s also a member of the ÖZBF (Austrian Centre for Research on Giftedness and Promotion of Gifted Students). 


In her spare time Julia likes hiking, sports climbing, playing board games, reading and discovering the world with her little daughter.  

My welcome to you


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