I am Jeltsen. Nice to meet you!
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My passion
I'm mostly known for my passion for one particular topic: self-regulated learning (SRL).
Don't let its first impression as an abstract academic concept mislead you. Once you two get to know each other better, you'll find yourself falling in love with it too. ;-)
My company
My passion for the topic is so big, I founded my own company by the name of ‘At the heart of learning’. Yes, I believe SRL is at the heart of the teaching profession and student success. But there's more to my company name.
"I believe we can change the world - and education - for the better if only we connect. Heart to heart. So, let's say yes to the brain (science) and the heart (true connection)."
My career​
My professional career has been organized around the following question: ‘How can self-regulated learning empower teachers and students to achieve their professional as well as personal objectives?’. It’s what gets me up every morning. Well, that and my 3 little kiddos, of course.
​​I obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in ‘Orthopedagogie’ in 2008 and my Master’s Degree in ‘Adult Education Sciences’ in 2010. In 2010 I joined the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) as a researcher where I finished my PhD about self-regulated learning in 2015.​
After a few years of research, I couldn't wait to put everything we learned into real classroom practice. After running several international projects focused on implementing self-regulated learning, I joined GO!, a Flemish network of schools serving around 220.000 students. I couldn't be more happy. I got to closely work together with in-service teacher trainers helping them guide schools in their attempt to help their students thrive even more.
In 2022, after two years of searching for the right structure, tone, and words, I finally published my book on self-regulated learning helping to translate this promising concept to school practice.
Ever since, I have helped schools and teachers in diverse roles such as consultant, coach, trainer, thought partner, or speaker. I simply enjoy working in the space between research, practice, and policy.
The more personal story behind it
Becoming a researcher was not exactly written in the stars. When I was asked to do a PhD, I had to be convinced. After all, every choice I made so far was based on my objective to make a difference in the lives of people. To find ways to empower people, especially those who never had the chance to find their strength.
Conducting research had never crossed my mind before. When, a few months later, I received a personal grant from the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), I decided to jump into the unknown and start my career as a researcher. A decision I never came to regret.
The PhD research was focused on the specialist topic of my supervisor Prof. dr. Koen Lombaerts: self-regulated learning. A concept I had barely heard of before.
I eagerly started to read, and read, and… well yeah… read. There was so much out there! But most knowledge appeared to be hidden away in academic articles with little accessible information that allowed any novice to grasp the complex concept.
It taught me two important things.
First, self-regulated learning appeared to be exactly what I had been looking for: a scientifically underpinned way to empower people.
Second, if I were to finish my PhD, I would help make the knowledge about self-regulated learning more easily accessible. ‘At the heart of learning’ is my modest attempt to help make a difference.
Do you have a question, suggestion, dream, or just an urge to connect? Don't hesitate and reach out to us via our contact page or just send me an email! I'm happy to hear from you!